Brazil Fazenda Mio Lot C04 Honey Peaberry - Espresso

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Brazil Fazenda Mio Lot C04 Honey Peaberry - Espresso

This is a Honey processed Red and Yellow Catucai Peaberry roasted for espresso. It was purchased directly from Mío through their office in the UK with the help of Ana Luiza Pellicer, This is our first Peaberry screen size from the 2022/2023 harvest lots from Mio, 

The term peaberry describes the beans that are small and round due to a natural phenomenon in which only one bean grows inside a coffee
cherry. There are no differences in flavour or quality compared to regular-shaped beans.


  • Producers + Mill:

Mió is a coffee farm in Monte Santo de Minas, Brazil. They cover exports, imports, storages and sell coffee. The coffee is harvested with care by Mió workers, you can see their names on the infographic images, as well as where and when each stage of the coffee production has taken place.

The farm spans a total of 1,589 hectares with a third of the land is used for the coffee processing and milling facilities, some pasture areas and the plantation of eucalyptus trees, which is home to large hives of bees.

The rest of the land is equally divided between the coffee trees and the native forest reserve. With plenty of spring water in the estate, one of Mió’s responsibilities is to not only maintain the water flow but to also improve water quality as their supplies support the local town and surrounding communities.


  • Varieties:

The Catucai variety is a cross between catuai and Icatu. Catucai can be both yellow and red and is well-known for its high productivity and yields.


  • Process:

This involves the mechanical de-pulping of the cherries at the wet mill while ensuring the mucilage stays attached to the beans. This sticky part of the cherry contains high amounts of sugar, resulting in a pronounced body and developed, chocolaty and fruity sweetness in this coffee.

.The parchment is then dried on concrete patios for 3 days and then static driers for 4 days, The coffee is then bagged and allowed 50 days rest in wooden silos, before it is then hulled using Cross Beater Hullers + Oscillating Screen Grade with then a finally stage of Density Separation. + Optical Electric sorted and then bagged and ready for export.


  • Region: Monte Santo de Minas
  • Producer: The Pellicer family
  • Dry Mill: Fazenda Mío
  • Importer: Fazenda Mío
  • Price (green ex Shipping): £6.70 p kg
  • Variety: Red and Yellow Catucaí Peaberry
  • Process: Honey Process
  • Altitude: 900 - 1100masl
  • Amount Bought: 1800kg
  • Harvested/Processed : May-August 2022
  • Tasting: Velvety, Fruity, Nutty  & Balanced Acidity
  • Flavours like: Stone fruits, Macadamia, Praline